
Day 2

Encyclical Reflection 1

The Holy Spirit continues the work of the ‘Good News’ of salvation.

Dominum Et Vivificantem (DV), 3

“Jesus himself, is the first Counselor,18 being the first bearer and giver of the Good News. “The Holy Spirit comes after him and because of him, in order to continue in the world, through the Church, the work of the Good News of salvation.” Concerning this continuation of his own work by the Holy Spirit Jesus speaks more than once during the same farewell discourse, preparing the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room for his departure, namely for his Passion and Death on the Cross.”

Personal Reflection

Often times we think to ourselves, “I am not capable”, “If I only knew more”, “I certainly cannot ‘evangelize’”. Remember the words of Jesus Christ, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. And you will bear fruit.” (Jn 15:5) To remain in Christ is to remain living in the ‘Good News’ and his mission. Through the Father and Jesus, we have been given the Holy Spirit as our ‘supernatural guide’ to live out our faith. Do you have faith in the Holy Spirit today?

Pray:  Come Holy Spirit. Guide me today in the ‘Good News’ so may actions reflect your will.

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