
Day 3

Encyclical Formation 2

“The Holy Spirit enters human suffering to redeem us”

Dominum Et Vivificantem (DV), 39

“Sin has appeared as an act of the will of the creature-man contrary to the will of God, to the salvific will of God; indeed, sin has appeared in opposition to the truth, setting himself up in opposition to the Father of life and the Spirit of truth…. the Holy Spirit will enter into human and cosmic suffering with a new outpouring of love, which will redeem the world.”

Formation Reflection

Do these words help you to reflect on how important the Holy Spirit is for your personal sanctification? The Holy Spirit’s presence in your life is God’s sanctifying grace. Today, invite the Holy Spirit to enter into your suffering so you may experience God’s grace.

Pray:  Come Holy Spirit. Sanctify me.

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