Day 4
Encyclical Formation 3
Sanctifying grace renews life.
Dominum Et Vivificantem (DV), 52
“Sanctifying grace is the principle and source of man’s new life: divine, supernatural life. He who in the mystery of creation gives life to man and the cosmos in its many different forms, visible and invisible, again renews this life through the mystery of the Incarnation. Creation is thus completed by the Incarnation and since that moment is permeated by the powers of the Redemption”
Formation Reflection
‘New life’ provided by the Holy Spirit is the acceptance and manifestation of the Gospel message in our lives. Are you growing in a deeper conversion with the Gospel message and the Holy Spirit? In the Incarnation of the Word of God we are offered redemption. We must open our hearts, so the Holy Spirit permeates the power of Redemption in us.
Pray: Come Holy Spirit. My heart seeks to be renewed today.