
Day 5

Encyclical Formation 1

“Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, “man matures and grows”

Dominum Et Vivificantem (DV), 58

“And in the name of Christ’s Resurrection the Church serves the life that comes from God himself, in close union with and humble service to the Spirit. Precisely through this service man becomes in an ever new manner the “way of the Church,” as I said in the Encyclical on Christ the Redeemer and as I now repeat in this present one on the Holy Spirit. United with the Spirit, the Church is supremely aware of the reality of the inner man, of what is deepest and most essential in man, because it is spiritual and incorruptible. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit this inner, “spiritual,” man matures and grows strong.”

Formation Reflection

Stop and reflect for a moment. Look to see how your personal relationship with Christ has lead you to become ‘ever new’ in the Spirit. Seek to grow more in Christ and the Spirit so your life shines even stronger “the way of the Church”.

Pray:  Come Holy Spirit. Strengthen my ‘inner spirit’ for the mission.

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