Reflection Survey Can you please share your thoughts and experience with the Holy Spirit 5 Day Reflection Optional - Name Out of the five days of reflections, how many were you able to participate in? Out of the five days of reflections, how many were you able to participate in? 1-3 All of them How do you find the length of the reflections? How do you find the length of the reflections? Just right! A little too long Indifferent. If they were shorter I wouldn't mind. But length was fine. Tell us about your experience with the content Tell us about your experience with the content It helped me learn something new about the Holy Spirit It strengthened what I already knew about the Holy Spirit It helped me grow closer with the Holy Spirit and deeper with discipleship. Most of the ministry opportunities and mission of VPL Ministries is supported only through the generosity of donations. What would you recommend could be a reasonble "suggested dontion" amount for these 5 day personal mini retreats / reflections? Most of the ministry opportunities and mission of VPL Ministries is supported only through the generosity of donations. What would you recommend could be a reasonble "suggested dontion" amount for these 5 day personal mini retreats / reflections? $2.00 - The cost of a large coffee at Panera. $5.00 - I definitely think it is worth a Smoothie King smoothie $10.00 - I would sacrifice going out to lunch once a month for this! I think it is worth the cost of a pizza! Share with us what you enjoyed the most and if there is anything you would like see added: Please confirm you are not a robot. Solve the math. 11 + 6 = Submit