
“Jesus Invites these men not just to attend his public lectures, but to live with him, share meals with him, pray with him, teach with him, serve the poor with him, and share life with him.” pg 28

One of the important aspects of our journey together will be to consider our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For some this reflection on ‘your personal relationship with Jesus Christ’ might be challenging because you may have never really giving this much thought. Others at some point in their lives may have already responded to Jesus’ invitation and seek an even deeper relationship with him. Wherever you may be in your faith journey it is important that you always seek a “renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ” [EG,3]. When Jesus says in the Gospel of John, “Come and you will see” (Jn 1:39), he is inviting you to be present with Him and share life with him.

Ed Sri in his book, “Into His Likeness” speaks about the invitation “Come and you will see”. When the author is talking about Jesus’ disciples he is also talking about us. He says that “This invitation marks the beginning of a life-shaping training for them. They will never be the same” (pg 29).  Dr Sri wants us to hear these words for ourselves. In fact Jesus wants us to hear these words for ourselves as well because it is true. When we let go of controlling all the things in our lives and allow Jesus to be our ‘Lord’, our lives will never be the same. When Jesus says ‘Follow Me’, spiritually he means walking in his footsteps, imitating his entire way of living. Becoming his disciple.

Our upcoming session will focus on ‘The Invitation’ Jesus has provided for us. Hopefully you had the opportunity to have read and reflected on the “Looking Ahead” from our last session. In a few days you will receive a message from me that will provide the introduction to our second session. I would like to encourage you to read it to help prepare you.

Your friend in Christ,

Darrin Nelson

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