
“the Blessed Virgin Mary continues to "go before" the People of God. Her exceptional pilgrimage of faith represents a constant point of reference for the Church, for individuals and for communities, for peoples and nations and, in a sense, for all humanity.”

St. Pope John Paul II
On the Blessed Virgin Mary
in the life of the Pilgrim Church

And, what is more, together with the Father, the Son has chosen her, entrusting her eternally to the Spirit of holiness. In an entirely special and exceptional way Mary is united to Christ, and similarly she is eternally loved in this "beloved Son," this Son who is of one being with the Father, in whom is concentrated all the "glory of grace." At the same time, she is and remains perfectly open to this "gift from above"

St. Pope John Paul II
On the Blessed Virgin Mary
in the life of the Pilgrim Church

“God's salvific giving of himself and his life, in some way to all creation but directly to man, reaches one of its high points in the mystery of the Incarnation. Mary is "full of grace," because it is precisely in her that the Incarnation of the Word, the hypostatic union of the Son of God with human nature, is accomplished and fulfilled.”

St. Pope John Paul II
On the Blessed Virgin Mary
in the life of the Pilgrim Church

Personal Moment of Reflection

How do you see Mary leading you toward Jesus Christ?


St. JP II states that we see Mary in the Upper Room with the Apostles “prayerfully imploring the gift of the Spirit, who had already overshadowed her in the Annunciation”. Today, sit with Mary to invoke the Holy Spirt asking Him to strengthen you as a witness of the Gospel for others.

Would you like to sign up for a 5 Day personal mini retreat with Saint John Paul II and Mary?


For five days you will recieve a 5 minute mini retreat that guides you through reflections on Mary taken from Saint John Paul II Encyclical on Mary – Redemptoris Mater


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