
Vibrant Parish Life Ministry Consulting  

“A parish becomes vibrant in the mission of Christ when the faithful are being evangelized.”

– Darrin Nelson, VIbrant Parish Life Ministries


“We exist to journey with parishes and individuals to evangelize the hearts of the faithful so their parishes become vibrant in the mission of Jesus Christ.”




“We lead the faithful in a process of discernment and planning to foster ‘Encounters with Jesus’ that guide them into a deeper understanding of the Gospel message to invoke a personal response to Jesus”


Through our consultation we look to achieve the following:

Work with parish leadership to create a foundation for parish evangelization discernment through specific Church encyclicals, scripture reflections, and key strategic discernment.

    Create a written evangelization profile that outlines current challenges and to discover the appropriate strategies to begin evangelizing your parish.

      Guide the leadership to discover key ‘shallow entry points of encounters’ that will help foster a person’s journey of Trust, Curiosity and Openness to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

      We will provide key steps to help establish at the parish an Evangelization Committee or formation strategies to help strengthen an existing Evangelization Committee

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