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[And the crowds asked Jesus]

“What can we do to accomplish the works of God?”

Jesus answered and said to them,

“This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.”

— John 6:28-29

Darrin’s podcast

Streaming on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Podbean, Spotify

“A faith journey becomes vibrant in the mission of Christ when hearts are being evangelized by the Gospel Message.”

– Darrin Nelson, VIbrant Parish Life Ministries

Learn About Our Parish Leadership

Discipleship and Evangelization Formation

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"A great communicator, organized, balancing all the smallest details, Darrin helped move our parish

from ‘maintenance mode’ to understanding how collaboration between ministries could aid us in becoming a truly vibrant parish on mission.”

Cheryl Manfredonia, Director of Sacred Liturgy and Music

"Because of Darrin’s experience being able to understand and implement the pastor’s vision effectively,

so many people have either encountered Christ for the first time, or are having a renewed relationship with Jesus. Our parish is on fire!!”

Kathy Behre, Facilitator Coordinator Christlife ministry

"Darrin has done an excellent job making our small faith group experience with Be My Witness a reality for our parish. From training our facilitators, to organizing sign up events,

Darrin frequently brings a different perspective to the conversation ….It’s through those “a-ha” moments, those times when he’s pushed me to look at an issue through a different lens, that have been some of the most personally enlightening moments for me.”

Nancy Stoll, Parish Secretary – St Mary’s-Stony Hill Watchung NJ

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