
Reflection 4: “Mary and the Church’s pilgrimage of Faith”

Encyclical   Redemptoris Mater     “Mother of the Redeemer”

Reflection Introduction

Today we will reflect on the role of Mary assisting the Church along our pilgrimage. What pilgrimage you ask? The pilgrimage of faith that Saint John Paul II refers to as Mary’s “exceptional pilgrimage of faith [which] represents a constant point of reference for the Church” (RM 6) The Vatican II Council in Lumen Gentium stated that she is already the eschatological fulfillment of the Church. Meaning she is the model and true fulfillment and hope of our redemption. The Council also stated that  “the followers of Christ still strive to increase in holiness by conquering sin, and so they raise their eyes to Mary, who shines forth to the whole community of the elect as a model of the virtues.” (LG 65)

Our reflections are not just about growing closer with Mary. Our reflections through Mary should be leading us into a deeper encounter with our own holiness and redemption. Our reflections are just a few more footsteps along this pilgrimage with Mary as she guides us into a deeper encounter of Jesus Christ and the mission of the Church. Let us continue our pilgrimage with today’s reflections.

 Today’s three points for reflection.

Reflection 1: Mary is ever present in the Church’s pilgrimage of faith

Reflection 2: Why we, as Church, need to look to Mary for her faith.

Reflection 3: Mary guides the apostolic work of the Church.

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